Urheiluhistoriallinen seminaari

Ajankohta: La 7.9.2024 Jyväskylässä Paikka: Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjasto, B116 Tietoniekka (OK) Tervetuloa tunnelmoimaan urheiluhistorialliseen seminaariin ja kuuntelemaan sekä keskustelemaan urheiluhistoriasta […]

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Call for paper / Special Issue ESSH ”Sport and Religion”

Sport and Religion. The historical development from the nineteenth century onwards Call for Papers European Studies in Sports History no […]

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Suomen urheiluhistoriallinen seura ry Finlands idrottshistoriska förening r.f. KUTSU VUOSIKOKOUKSEEN Suomen urheiluhistoriallisen seuran jäsenet kutsutaan vuosikokoukseen, joka pidetään maanantaina 10.6.2024 […]

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Abstrakt per 1.2.2011 – Sport på Nordiska sociologikonferensen 4-7.8.2011

Mellan den 4 och 7 augusti 2011 sammanstrålar Nordens alla sociologer till Nordiska sociologförbundets 25:te konferens, som förlagts till Oslo med univeristetet där som värd. Årets tema, ”Power and Participation”, ska genomsyra presentationerna i alla sessioner, så också i den session som kort och gott benämns ”Sports”. Ansvarig för den är Tommy Langseth, Høgskolen i Telemark och Nils Asle Bergsgard, International Research Institute of Stavanger, IRIS. En annan session att hålla ögonen på för sportforskare är ”Voluntary organization”, som inkluderar också idrottsorganisationer. Ørnulf Seippel är ansvarig. Det finns därutöver en lång rad research groups för sociologiska specialinriktningar.

Abstracts ska vara inlämnade (via det elektroniska systemet på hemsidan) senast den 1 februari 2011. Konferensspråket är engelska.

Mer information fås på http://www.nordicsociology2011.org/web/

2011 ISHPES Congress Call for Papers – From Gymnastics to Sports – Relations, Interactions, Contradictions in the Past and the Present, Frankfurt, 8.-12.8.2011

Call for Papers

From Gymnastics to Sports – Relations, Interactions, Contradictions in the Past and the Present

A Congress on the Occasion of the Founding of the German Turner Movement in 1811

August 8-12, 2011 in Frankfurt, Germany at the Home of the German Gymnastic Federation (DTB)

Deadline for Abstracts: February 1, 2011
Notice of acceptance until April 31, 2011


Call for abstracts – The 8th eass Conference, Umeå, 18.-22.5.2011

The 8th eass conference – People in motion – bridging the local and global will be held in Umeå, Sweden, from May 18th to 22th 2011.


Sport is a cultural expression in societies all over the world. Sport is by the engagement of the body, the equipment and the place a local phenomenon. At the same time the social significance of sport is global. Thus, studies on sport and people in motion are important with local as well as global perspectives. The 2011 eass conference will address a range of critically important issues relating to the overarching theme. Plenary speakers will include leading thinkers in sports, as well as papers and posters by researchers in the field of sport sociology within a variety of empirical, theoretical and cross disciplinary studies.

Keynote speakers:

Carolina Fusco (University of Toronto, Faculty of Physical Education and Health, Canada).

Roland Robertson (University of Aberdeen in Scotland, Director of the Centre for the Study
of Globalization, United Kingdom).

Janice Wright (University of Wollongong, Faculty of Education, Australia).

Kimmo Suomi (University of Jyväskylä, Department of Sport Sciences, Finland).