SUHS:n matkatuet haussa

SUHS:n matkatukien viimeinen jättöpäivä keväällä on 30.4.2014. Tiedot päätöksistä ilmoitetaan hakijoille toukokuun aikana. Lisätietoa matkatuista ja hakemisesta näillä sivuilla kohdassa […]

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“ISHPESin 25-vuotisjuhlaa vietetään vuoden 2014 ISHPES-kongressissa Qatarissa (Doha) 18.-22-9.2014. Lisätietoja: Abstraktien jättäminen 6.4. mennessä. Kongressiin ei ole osanottomaksua. ISHPESin […]

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SPORTS ARCHIVES AND SPORTS HISTORY RESEARCH – Strategies for promoting access and use of collections through digitisation

Suomen urheiluhistoriallinen seura (SUHS) ja kansainvälisen arkistojärjestön (ICA) urheiluarkistojaosto (SPO) järjestävät yhdessä torstaina 30.9.2010 päivän mittaisen seminaarin Helsingissä, aiheena ”SPORTS […]

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CFP: 7-8.9.2012, The British Society of Sports History Annual Conference

The 30th Annual Conference of the British Society of Sports History, will take place Friday and Saturday, 7-8 September 2012. The conference will take place at the University of Glasgow, based in the scenic West End of the city.

The conference will be open-themed. Papers should be a maximum of 20 minutes in length with ten minutes for questions and discussion. Ideas for Specialist Panels will also be strongly encouraged.

Abstracts should be no longer than 200 words and should be sent to The Conference Committee (email: bssh2012(AT) by Thursday, 5 April 2012.

We would also strongly encourage postgraduates to submit abstracts. The Richard W. Cox Postgraduate Prize will be awarded for the best paper presented by a postgraduate student. Please indicate when you submit your abstract if you wish to be considered for this award.

The conference will receive the Sir Derek Birley Annual Memorial Lecture and a special lecture from the most recent winners of The Lord Aberdare Book Prize.

The conference banquet will be held at the Ubiquitous Chip, Ashton Lane, ‘No other restaurant has been more responsible for the culinary renaissance in Scotland than the Ubiquitous Chip’. NY Times (Dining reserved for forty delegates)

Registration details and further information will be posted on our website shortly. Abstracts, registrations and all other queries should be sent to: bssh2012(AT)