Call for paper / Special Issue ESSH ”Sport and Religion”

Sport and Religion. The historical development from the nineteenth century onwards Call for Papers European Studies in Sports History no […]

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Suomen urheiluhistoriallinen seura ry Finlands idrottshistoriska förening r.f. KUTSU VUOSIKOKOUKSEEN Suomen urheiluhistoriallisen seuran jäsenet kutsutaan vuosikokoukseen, joka pidetään maanantaina 10.6.2024 […]

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Esiintyjäkutsu – ”Urheilun etiikka ja moraali” 13.−14.12.2024 urheiluhistorian hybridisymposiumiin Jyväskylässä ja Zoomissa

Suomen urheiluhistoriallinen seura ja Jyväskylän yliopiston historian ja etnologian laitos järjestävät urheiluhistorian symposiumin Jyväskylän yliopistossa 13.−14.12.2024. Symposium toteutetaan hybridimuodossa, joten […]

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Extended deadline February 1st – CFP ISHPES Conference 2022 Sport and History: Continuity and Change (Oslo, Norway)


by Pierre-Olaf Schut

1. Call for paper : ISHPES 2022 conference

Sport and History: Continuit and Change 29 June- 2 July – Oslo (Norway)

We now welcome abstracts for the ISHPES 2022 conference!

Scholars are invited to submit individual abstracts focused upon one of

the following subtopics:

  * Sport, Physical Education and Sustainability

  * Outdoor Life and Nature

  * Disruptions, Conflicts and Pandemics

  * Politics, National Identities and Diplomacy in Sports

  * Environmental Legacy in Paralympics, Olympics and Other Mega Events

  * Sport, Technology and Innovation

  * Sports in Media and Popular Culture

  * Genders, Disabilities and Diversity in Sport 

  * Sporting Bodies

  * Teaching and Methodology in Sport History

  * Open Papers

*Submission*:  We invite you to submit your 350 words abstract


before February 1st.

More information:

2. Early Career Scholars should apply to *Gigliola Gori Junior Scholar


More information:

3. *An International Summer School in sport history* dedicated to Phd

students will be organized just before the conference to allow young scholars to

take part of both events.

More information:

Application is open until February 1st on: