Faculdade de Letras – University of Coimbra, Portugal
Sports and media is a very important research field in the Portuguese Group for Communication, Journalism and Public Space, working at the research institute of CEIS20 from University of Coimbra, in Portugal. In February 25, 2013, it’ll be organize the II Conference on Communication and Sports at the Faculdade de Letras of the University of Coimbra, in Portugal.
The main subject will be «Sports heroes and media». The figure of the sportsman, as national hero, it was always (and still is) very present in the media. It became essential understand the media dynamics around the construction of the sportive heroes.
General topics
Main subjects for abstracts:
• Construction of the popular and media sportive personage (athletes and managers)
• The concept of sportsman hero in the media;
• Sports Hero: women’s visions in the media;
• Social myths as structural sport narratives;
• Economic logistics as promoters of new heroes in sport;
• Sport: the social (anti)model;
• The sportsman as esthetical and photographic model;
• Media narratives for sports heroes.
Rules for abstracts
No more than 500 words. Please include three key words related to the paper, a brief curriculum vitae, academic affiliation and contact information (including email and telephone). Papers can be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Proposals should be submitted to: comunicacao.desporto@gmail.com
• 20 December 2012: Closing deadline for proposals
• 15 January 2013: Notification of abstract acceptance
• 1 February 2013: Final program
FEES 2013
Until January, 31
After January 31
Students (with or without paper): 5,00
Students (with or without paper): 10,00
Participation with paper: 20,00
Participation with paper: 50,00
Participation without paper: 10,00
Participation without paper: 20,00
CEIS20 Researchers and collaborators: free
Send the «Conference Application» to comunicacao.desporto@gmail.com
By money or check (in the name of University of Coimbra) to the address:
CEIS20 da Universidade de Coimbra
To D. Ângela
Rua Filipe Simões, n.º 33 – 3000-186 Coimbra – Portugal
Organizing and Scientific Committee
Ana Teresa Peixinho (University of Coimbra/CEIS20)
Carlos Camponez (University of Coimbra/CEIS20)
Francisco Pinheiro (FCT/CEIS20 University of Coimbra)
Isabel Vargues (University of Coimbra/CEIS20)
Rui Gomes (FCDEF – University of Coimbra)
More information
General contact