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BSSH annual Conference 2024 Call for Papers


Submitted by Max Portman on 02/29/2024 – 11:25pm

February 29, 2024 – May 7, 2024

United Kingdom

The British Society of Sports History (BSSH) is delighted to announce the Call for Papers for its 42nd annual conference.

This year’s annual conference will take place at the University of Chichester on the 22nd and 23rd of August 2024, with a PhD/Early Career Researcher workshop directly preceding it on the 21st of August.

For those interested in submitting a piece for the conference, the following information outlines the requirements for abstracts.

Abstracts are accepted as follows:

Individual: a single abstract from an individual/ co-researchers for 20-minute presentations.

Proposed panel: a set of abstracts (ideally 3, or 4 maximum) submitted by a representative for a group of individuals/co-researchers examining a single topic or theme (session 90 mins, including c.30 minutes questions/discussion).

Abstracts should be c.200 words, including:

Full title: as it will appear in the conference programme.

Outline of the context and/or academic literature informing the research as appropriate; identification of core themes/argument of the paper and broad theoretical and/or methodological approach adopted as appropriate; significance of the research.

Also include your preferred name; affiliation; email address and a short biography (c.50 words).

The abstract submission deadline will be Tuesday the 7th of May 2024. Abstracts must be emailed directly to the conference organisers Dr Paul Wheeler at and/or Max Portman at Please include your name within the subject line of the email.

For all other information, please consult the attached Call for Papers.

Contact Information

Dr Paul Wheeler- Senior Lecturer in Sports Management at the University of Chichester –

Max Portman- PhD Candidate in History and Politics at the University of Chichester-
