H-Sport: 2023 ISHPES Congress July 12-14. 2023
Subject Fields: Sport History, Cultural History, Contemporary History, Women’s & Gender History, Social Sciences. ”Individuals, Institutions, (Trans)nationalism. Sport and History facing new challenges.”
We are happy and delighted to welcome the ISHPES 2023 conference on the campus of the University of Lausanne, from the 12th to the 14th of July 2023.
Offering an opportunity to all the international community of the sport historians to gather in Switzerland, the organization committee also want to address several epistemological issues, such as a “biographical turn”, new interest for the institutions that are governing (inter)national sport or also beyond some new (trans)national way of analysing the sporting modernity, all of them being discussed within sport history communities all over the world.
Scholars are invited to submit individual abstracts focused upon one of the following subtopics:
* Biographical and prosopographical approaches
* Politics, national identities and diplomacy in sports
* The history of (Inter)national institutions
* From the local to the global stage of sport
* Medicalisation of the performance vs. Doping
* Pedagogisation of physical activities
* Physical education and schools systems
* Women leaders (Coaches, Presidents, Athletes, etc.)
* Teaching and methodology in sport history
* Sport history as public history
* Transnational issues in sport history
* Open Papers or Open sessions
President of the organizing comittee: Dr. Grégory Quin
Coordinator of the organizing committee: Sébastien Cala
Contact Email: ishpes2023@unil.ch