The Many Faces of Snow Sports: Ski Congress 2017
Edited by
Heikki Roiko-Jokela
ja Piia Pöyhönen
Piia Pöyhönen & Heikki Roiko-Jokela
Heikki Roiko-Jokela & Piia Pöyhönen
Snow Sports from Many Angles
Kalle Virtapohja
Urho Kekkonen – The Skiing President
Susan Barton
Snow, Sport and Style: Winter Sports Clothing – the First Century
Anssi Halmesvirta
The Sports of All Sports: Skiing as National Panacea in Finland at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Isak Lidström
Skiers of ”Nature” versus Skiers of ”Culture”: Ethnic Stereotypes within Swedish Cross-Country Skiing from the late 19th Century to the 1930s
Andreas Brugger
Skiing as a Unifying Element during the French Occupation in the Montafon, Western Austria, after World War II
Antero Holmila
The games must go on – but without Karl Schranz: Sapporo 1972 Games Controversy and the Question Olympic Amateurism
Heikki Halttunen
Laurie Niemi – amerikansuomalainen futistähti
Ville Kallinen, Kaisu Mononen, Minna Blomqvist, Marc Lochbaum & Niilo Konttinen
Motor Performance and Achievement Goal-Orientations among Finnish 10-Year-Old Children Involved with Cross-Country Skiing
Janne Vilkuna, Jussi-Pekka Taavitsainen & Timo Kuokkanen
Ancient Skis from Museum of the Lake District of South Ostrobothnia, Finland, or Museum “Finds”: A possibility to Improve Our Knowledge of Ski Development
Borut Batagelj
Archives and the History of Skiing: Slovene Case
Jouni Lavikainen
Sinecures, Stipends and Pool Money – Professionalization of Finnish Skiing 1960–1990
E. John B. Allen
Immigrant Values and New World Mores: On Skis in America 1880 to 1920
Suvi Kuisma
Lahti International Ski City – the Development of Lahti City to Remarkable Ski Games Resort from 1920s to 1950s
Esa Mangeloja
Economics of Snowboarding
Ismo Björn, Hannu Itkonen & Anna-Katriina Salmikangas
Pioneers and Marketers of Sports: The First Decades of the Finnish Ski Jump
Leif Yttergren
Norway, Skiing and Swede Hate: Some Reflections on the World Ski Championship in Cortina d’Ampezzo and Its Consequences
Enn Mainla
The Estonians as Apprentices at the World Championships in Lahti 1938
Anna-Liisa Ojala
Arctic Sense of Artificial Snow: From a Traditional Lappish Ski Resort to an International Crossover Alp Resort
Nélida Quintero & Douglas Scherer
Experiential Resonance: Tapping into Embodied Knowledge and Image Memory – A Qualitative Study of Snow Sports Instruction in New York
Christof Thöny
The Development of Organized Winter Sport in Austria: The Example of the DAKS (Deutsche Arlberg Kurse Schneider)
Finnish Summaries